venerdì 26 agosto 2016

Simon Carryer


Chi sei?

Simon Carryer vive a Wellington, Nuova Zelanda. Oltre a giocare e progettare giochi di ruolo, ama suonare il banjo e il sollevamento pesi. Collabora occasionalmente con altri designer neozelandesi: Mike Sands (Monster of the Week) e Steve Hickey (Left Coast, Soth).

Che giochi hai scritto?

Come ti contatto?

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Who are you?

Simon Carryer lives in Wellington, New Zealand. Besides playing and designing role playing games, he also enjoys playing banjo and lifting weights. He is an occasional collaborator with other New Zealand designers Mike Sands (Monster of the Week), and Steve Hickey (Left Coast, Soth).

What games have you authored?

How do I contact you?

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